The test Certification for Az-103

Rules: Quick test of 10 questions randomized from a pool of 170 (Just to be able to do this in my day to day life. Approx. time to complete will then be 30 min for each run.

Why blogg about this? Just to add the pressure of possible public humiliation and to visualize the path to success for a person that does not acquire any special skills… aka. me and myself.

I had been to a 3×4 hours preparation course (online) for this exam specifically and felt that I kept the pace fairly good…

And I did pass my Az-900 last year, so I was kind of confident when I tried the practice test certification. But my disappointment was devastating…

I had two quick test of 10 questions randomized from a pool of 170 before I changed strategy and decided to go back to online training. I decided to do this Learning path:

Then I will try again…